The Results!

We would like to thank everyone who completed the village survey – 36 responses were received (over 40% of households) which is a great response.  The results of the survey will help the council understand the needs of the community and establish priorities for the parish council to address in partnership with other authorities.
Some of the headline responses:

  • Depden is a great place to live:    84.8% (28) Strongly agree/agree
  • Depden should be conserved as it is     51.4% (18) Strongly agree/agree
  • Is there scope for more housebuilding in Depden?      52.8% (19) No

Some of the issues raised to improve the village:

  • Potholes repaired and improve road maintenance
  • Speed limit on A143 and less speeding across the Green
  • Pub and shop would be nice
  • More community activities

General Comments:

  • “I feel very lucky to have lived here for over 50 years”
  • “It is a lovely place to live”
  • “Depden is a gem of a village”

The collated results are available online:

A summary of the results will be presented at the Annual Parish Meeting, which is also your chance to discuss the results


Depden Parish Council is seeking views of its residents through on online questionnaire which we are asking each household to complete. The survey asks about your household and the issues in the neighbourhood that concern you and what you would like to see improved in the future. The results of the survey will help the council understand the needs of the community and establish priorities for the parish council to address in partnership with other authorities.

The survey is along similar lines to one conducted in Hargrave several years ago. They used this as the starting point for designing a neighbourhood plan, which establishes general planning policies for the development and use of land in the neighbourhood and which must be taken into account when the District Council considers planning applications. Depden may in future wish to follow this approach - currently Depden is designated as countryside and no future development of any kind will be allowed. Over time that could lead to the village losing its vitality and viability as a community. The survey will help the Parish Council understand whether or not there is any support for seeking to change that situation.

The survey is online at Google Forms:

Each household need only return one questionnaire, rather than duplicates from each member.

If you are not able to access the survey online, you can request a printed copy from the Parish Clerk, Susan Boor, please telephone: 01284 850536  or email:

Please complete the survey by 31 January 2023.

Thank you for taking a few minutes to let us know your views and that you are interested in the future of the parish. The results of the survey will be circulated to all residents